Well, we made it. We’re here. Easy drive. NICE ROADS! Washington Route 101 is very, very nice. Scenic and well maintained. The rig pulled beautifully.
We had Googled RV Parks in Long Beach and selected Andersen’s as sounding the nicest. Last night we called and reserved a slot for tonight and tomorrow, and now that we’re here and have driven past most of the others have decided we made the right decision. This is a very nice park and although all the slots are “back-ins” the center aisle is sooooo wide I had no trouble at all getting Ali-the-Gator back-slid in.
I have unhooked KB Truck and as soon as I can drag Cheryl and Peanut off the beach (they left me as I was unhooking the rig almost 2-hours ago!) we’ll go downtown to Long Beach for some dinner. We’re under strict orders from grand-kids to have pizza at “Chico’s”, and ice cream at “Scooper’s” while we’re here so those are our destinations. They also said we have to see “Jake, the alligator man”, the “half man, half alligator” skeleton at the local museum so we might see that also, if not tonight then tomorrow. I mean, I went to see Sylvester the Mummy so how can I pass up a half & half Skeleton? Right! I can’t. (www.marshsfreemuseum.com)
(Cheryl) Peanut and I arrived back from our stroll down a nearly deserted beach to find Frank typing away at the computer inside the trailer! He missed the magnificent yellow bird kite with streamers and the KB trucks happily plowing down the beach next to the surf. He missed Peanut rolling on the dead crabs and odoriferous fish remains while I busied myself beachcombing and lolling in the sand staring out at the breakers. The beach directly behind our trailer park suits me to a T. No swimming allowed due to rip tides, just walking, thinking, and enjoying the sound of surf on sand and watching the sun paint pictures on the water.
While our stretch of sand today seems almost like a private beach, Long Beach hosts many events like the annual kite festival and a sand-castle building festival that draw large crowds. I was lucky enough to stumble on the kite festival when I was here with my RV in 1998, and this year my daughter Stacie and her family won a prize in the sand-castle building in their division. Be sure to add Long Beach, Washington to your list of places to visit. It sure is one of my favorites!
That’s it for today.
Love to all,
Laid Back Frank, Sandy Shoes Cheryl, and Peanut the wayward pup
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