I’ve been working almost full time getting KB Truck and Ali-the-Gator ready for the trip. KBT went in for an all fluids change and pre-trip look-over, and AtG got fitted with a complete set of shock absorbers which he/she never had. I’m hoping the shocks will prevent a repeat of the horrible and dangerous “porpoising” incident that darn near killed us last year in Oklahoma. I built some storage boxes under the couches for storing heavy items and I built a door locking system on the new cabinets in the back that looks pretty nice. I’ve removed, cleaned and/or replaced all of the utilities access covers on the outside of the camper, and I replaced the foam rubber in both of the couch/beds so my sweet Babette will rest more comfortably. There are a few more cosmetic items that I may get to during the next week or so, but all in all I think we’re pretty road-ready.
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