We’re north of Ridgway almost to Montrose. We decided we’d had a full day and this state park was handy, so here we are.
But first here is a bit of bad, sad news: Last Wednesday evening the rally committee arranged for a police escort to take the bikes down to old town Mancos and park them in a blocked off street so the local folks could see them. As it was a clear and sunny afternoon we decided it would be OK to leave Buddy and Peanut alone in the trailer. The problem was a thunderstorm rolled over the campsite while we were gone and Buddy freaked out and ate the trailer, just as he did last year. The damage included the wall in the bathroom, the toilet, and the bathroom door.
Thursday we had a serious discussion and decided we had the option of returning to Phoenix, continuing our trip but one of us would have to stay with the trailer at all times, or continuing the trip without Buddy. The decision was to turn Buddy over to the Animal Shelter in Cortez. It was a difficult decision and we both have been hit with deep emotions about it. But, the folks at the Shelter were very nice, the facility is very clean and the animals seem to be well cared for. They also assured us they had no time limit on adoptions and they would keep Buddy until he was adopted. So, Buddy is now waiting for a new home.
Thursday we ordered a new door and toilet at a RV shop in Cortez and Friday they installed them. I cut out the damaged area of the bathroom wall, cleaned up the edges, and I’ll replace it when we get home.
Saturday Cheryl and I took our friends Red & Sally and their granddaughter Laurel down to old town Mancos for “Mancos Days”. There was an old fashioned parade including horses and cowboys and Indians, the fire department and sheriff’s cars and kids in their wagons and on bikes. It was wonderful small town America at its best. We also had a great breakfast at the local bakery/café. That evening Cheryl and I, Red, Sally, and Laurel, and Bob and Carol, two other close friends went to the Bar-D Dude Ranch for a Western Show and Dinner. It was cute and fun and the food was very average. But … we all went in Bob’s truck and now I have to rename my truck from KB (Kick Butt) Truck to WL (Wimpy Little)Truck. Ya’ see, Bob drives a Freightliner truck and pulls a 40 foot fifth wheel camper. His truck is sooooo big four adults fit comfortably in the back seat. It just reinforces the deep, basic truth that size DOES MATTER!
Today we drove from Mancos to Cortez and turned north heading for Glennwood Springs. As you can see we didn’t make it even halfway. Our plan is to be in Vale Monday evening and at Melanna’s house Tuesday. We may stay over Wednesday also if she and her husband don’t tire of us too quickly. As we made our way up through the mountains we took some time to turn in at Telluride just to get our “BTP” (Been There Pin) as we certainly earned it last Tuesday in the rain.
Please be advised, Cheryl does not agree with the following paragraph.
Just before we turned into this state park a 12-year old State Trooper pulled us over and informed me that as I had a line of six cars behind me I was impeding traffic and that when I saw cars behind me I should pull over and allow them to pass. I assured him that I pulled over at every passing lane opportunity to allow cars to pass me but was reluctant to pull over onto the shoulder while moving for fear some fool would do something stupid while trying to pass me in my lane. He reiterated I should pull over when cars stack up behind me, so I assured him I would, and he let me go. I feel like writing a letter to his supervisor suggesting that the young man will make a splendid officer once he gets old enough to realize that dispensing common sense wisdom to people three (possibly four) times his age is not an efficient use of his time.
The world is being run by children!
And some of them wear badges.
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