Frank: We’re in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Inspector Clouseau (Pink Panth(er) could never pronounce “Monkey” (Meenky) or “Bump” (Bumph). Today we drove some very “bumphy” roads. We made it from Nephi to Provo OK but then were greeted by a sign that said, “Caution – Road work ahead for the rest of your life.” And it was. The road beat us to death right up to the Idaho boarder where it magically turned smooth. So, yes, do come and visit beautiful Utah, just don’t go north of Provo. Actually it’s not that pretty up here anyway so stay in the lower half of the state below I-70. The rest of the state sucks rocks. We’re in the Snake River RV Park, and I guess that means the Snake River Canyon where Evel Kenevel drove his peroxide powered rocket bike into infamy must be nearby. I’ll try to Google it if and when I can get onto the Internet. Last night at Nephi the RV Park could best be described as “working class.” There were a few C-Class RVs, and the rest were 5th wheelers and campers like ours. Then Humongo-Mongo drove in. It was the biggest A-Class unit I think I have ever seen. I spoke to the owner and told him that when he drove into the park the average value of all the RVs in the place immediately doubled. Then we did the “Where are you from,” and “Where are you off to” exchange and found that they’re from about 20 blocks from us in Phoenix and are also heading up to Canada. I’m not thrilled with this Cricket 3G Modem. Idaho Falls is a pretty big town. You’d think it would be in the Cricket (AT&T I think) network. If anyone is reading these electrons please email me at FJDMJR@cox.net so I’ll know if they are worth continuing.
Cheryl: Yesterday was not our best day on the road as you can see from what Frank wrote. I slept through part of the terrible traffic around Salt Lake and Provo, but endured the bumpy roads without good humor after I awoke at the one and only Rest Stop open in Utah. My legs didn’t want to move as we walked the dogs in the grassy area, and I was groggy and grumpy. Frank got the worst of it yesterday with all that nasty driving in the wind and coping with the bumpy roads. However, we ended the day in a very nice campground with lots of big cottonwood trees and wonderful grassy areas under the picnic tables and throughout the park. They have a nice-looking pool here, but I felt as if I would drown trying to swim last evening. We took a walk around the campground, fixed a quick chicken taco dinner, watched some Firefly on DVD and hit the sack around 10:00 p.m.
Forgot to tell you that we stopped yesterday in Historic Downtown Pocatello, Idaho. It is basically an old 50s downtown trying to make a comeback. We bought a loaf of cinnamon bread at the bakery, walked a few more blocks and bought some sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, and a cinnamon twist we ate for breakfast this morning heated up in our trusty trailer oven. It was yummy!
The puppies are being stellar travelers! They hunker down in their beds in the back seat and sleep or sit quietly on the console between us as we drive. I think they miss chasing each other around the house most of all. However, they seem to enjoy all the new places where they get to sniff and pee.
Today, Tuesday as I’m writing, we hope to see our friends, Pam and Richard Lessner in Ennis, Montana, just north of Yellowstone Park. We’ll get there late afternoon and hope to take them out for dinner and have a nice visit. We stayed in a cute RV park there last summer and will head there when we get to Montana. This morning we’re going to leave the puppies in the trailer and head over to the Idaho Museum in town and see an exhibit about the evolution of domestic dogs, From Wolf to Woof. I’d also like to get a picture of Idaho Falls in a lovely park right in the center of town.
Just another day with Willy, On the Road Again,
Frank and Cheryl, Princess Cleo, and King Peanut
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