Frank: We’re in Kanab, Utah. Following my brother Greg’s sage advice, “In the park before dark,” when we saw a billboard for the “RV Corral” we followed the signs and pulled in at about 4PM. It’s a nice place. All pull-throughs which makes my life easier. It advertises “Free Wi-Fi” but as is with most RV Parks, “It’s not working right now.” I bought a Cricket 3G wireless adapter but it’s showing “no service.” It also showed “No service” when we were in Bisbee over the 4th of July weekend. I’m beginning to suspect Cricket may be big city bound and it’s not going to be of much use to use in all the Podunk towns we’ll be staying in. I’ll give it another try tomorrow.
These words are being written as a Word document. I’ll post them to the blog when and if I ever get on-line.
Cheryl: We drove through some “Monument Valley” type terrain today where the earth showed off all her layers and layers of strata usually hidden beneath the surface. There were giant wind-sculpted “statues” and craggy formations popping up all around us. In places the highway cut through solid rock walls and then snaked out across wide valleys. On the Navajo “res” we saw many hogans mixed in with the trailers and small houses. Lots of roadside stands lined the road with hand-crafted jewelry spread out for sale, and we made our “annual” stop at the Cameron Trading Post where I bought a sweet t-shirt with shiny feathers beaded down the front. It’s 100% cotton cool, and I love it! My goal is to come home with a whole new casual wardrobe purchased in “exotic” places. Instead of Paris, Rome, and Rio, I’ll boast of slacks sold in Kanab, shirts from Lumby, and unmentionables picked up in St. George. It’s just one of the many perks in the life of a trailer vagabond. Another perk is the swimming pool directly across from where we’re parked. I just got back from swimming 20 laps, and the water was more than a little bit nippy compared to our pool in Phoenix. Anyway, it sure helped beat the heat!
Cleo and Peanut have their own fenced area to run around at this RV Park. They met two Scotties and a Golden mix down there today. They’ve been great travelers all day and seem to feel right at home in both the trailer and the truck. They take turns riding on the console in the middle up front. At present they’re both asleep in their little beds.
We stared out our day at 7:30 a.m. with Willy belting out “On the Road Again.” A perfect beginning to a perfectly fine first day out, and we haven’t “killed” each other YET!
More to come from your intrepid wild west travelers.
Frank, Cheryl, Cleo, and Peanut, Esquire
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