Friday, July 19, 2013

Good Times, Goodbyes, and Godspeed

Friday, July 19, 2013
Frank:  Well, it’s over once again.  There were goodbyes, handshakes, and hugs.  Susie, our esteemed President of 15 years has just ridden out on her Norton, heading back to Michigan. She’s riding alone with her only safety net being other Norton Nuts travelling in trucks, vans, and campers along the same route, and her cell phone.

We just said goodbye to Josie, our rally-week granddaughter.  We first met her at the rally in Colorado when she babysat our dogs while we went on a day ride.  Now she’s about to be a senior in high school and will have graduated by next year’s rally.

I find it hard to believe that this club has existed for 38 years.  We’ve had marriages, divorces, kids, and possibly even grandkids in the club ranks.  And all because I hung a notice in a Norton dealership back in 1975 looking for some riding buddies.  Can you believe it?  That notice brought six other Norton owners to my house and we called ourselves the U.S. Norton Owners Association.  I called us “The magnificent seven.”   And member #7, Steve Cantrell was here at the rally!  He’s always said that if he had just sat on the other side of me at that meeting he’d have been member #2.

For this club to have continued for so long has to be more than that just we all like Nortons.  We are a great big family, held together by bonds much more than a silly machine.  We really love each other, enjoy each other’s company, and we get to have a great big family reunion each summer.  It’s great.

On the back cover of my book, “Motorcycle Arizona!” is written, “The ride is the objective; the destination is just the excuse.”  Well, when it comes to this club, “The family is the reason; the bike is just the excuse.”

Ride On!

Cheryl: Because I met Frank way back in November of 1980, I’ve had the privilege to tag along with him on almost all his motorcycle adventures. I’ve met countless stellar people and treasure the friendship of each and every one of them. Together, Frank and I have friends in almost every state, in the UK, and Mexico. Reasons; occasions that bring folks together matter more than we sometimes realize. As we’ve aged, we’ve come to appreciate more and more the connections and camaraderie of the INOA.

Enough introspection and moving right along to yesterday’s adventures. Frank and I trucked 35 miles north to Sheridan, WY. After a lunch at a nice rib and steak restaurant, we scoped out the stores of “main street America” that we remember of so long ago. There’s even a J.C. Penny with the ancient tile lettering above the entrance. How often do you find an anchor store like Penny’s downtown these days? We spent hours trekking in and out of clothing, fly fishing, sundry, and kitchen shops lining the streets of this “too-good-to-be-true” western town.

We even stepped into the lobby of the WYO Theater and were invited into the auditorium to choose our seats for the Greg Brown performance next week on Thursday night. The woman sold us our tickets and described the best places in Sheridan to dine before the show. We chose the upscale place across the street and copied down the number on the window to call for reservations. I can hardly wait! She also told us about the Powder Horn Restaurant outside town at the local country club, and we’ll try to catch a lunch there with our friends Jeremy and Leigh. The views across the golf course and countryside beyond are billed to be spectacular as is the food.

We returned to the trailer in time to walk the pups, take a nap, and stroll down to dinner under the big white tent for the awards banquet. It’s always fun to hear about the bikers’ adventures and misadventures getting to the rally, how far they rode, and how their entries in the concourse event show fared. Then the door prizes called out according to the numbers on the wrist bands begins with some items donated being very expensive and others just plain fun. A happy, but weary bunch woke up this morning to say their goodbyes and take off on the road home. Some were packed up and on their way as early as 6:00 a.m. with miles to put under their wheels before gliding under cover of their own carports and garages. We wish them Godspeed and the joy of the ride.

Love and hugs,
Cheryl, Frank, Peanut and Cleo Chica – Wild Ones All


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