Sunday, August 14, 2011

Red Hot Mama on the Beach

Cheryl: The not-so-good day Saturday that Frank referred to in his post began when I discovered I'd left my bathing suit in Phoenix. Ok, so no problem, I'll buy one at the beach even though it will probably cost me a fortune. Unfortunately, I couldn't find one I liked, and at $90 a pop I wasn't going to get something I didn't like. I know I could have stopped at WalMart on the way to the beach, but Frank was already running late getting to the museum. So here I am, a grandmother wearing a backpack with a large umbrella tucked under her arm running around trying to buy things in crowded little shops. I'd worn a shirt that would go nicely over a bathing suit when I bought one, but it wasn't that great for wearing on a beach all buttoned up.

Anyway, you get the picture. It was frightfully hot out on the beach and no boardwalk to hide under. So I thought, to heck with the bathing suit, I'll just get my shorts wet, and I'll be fine. NOT! I stood in the tepid water and let the waves get me wet, but when little kids started getting stung by jelly fish, I was outta there. I tried to lay on my towel under my large, but not large enough umbrella to no avail. Finally, I gave up, and retreated to the nice swings they have just off the beach - porch swings.

I called Frank (it's noon by now), and he has just arrived at the museum. So he says, he'll be back to pick me up in a couple hours. Yiikes. I'm boiling hot even in the shade on the swing, but I read my book for an hour or so and then moved over to the ramada next to the swings. I spent more time reading and boiling, so I decided to go get something to eat. I found a nice place to eat and cool off for awhile, and then back into the stores I went just to keep cool. I'm sure the salespeople thought I was an elder shop lifter. Finally, I went back into the heat, sat on a bench and read some more. At 3:00 p.m. Frank arrived to pick me up.

All this time, and I didn't even think of calling a cab! Silly me! We had placed the trailer keys at the campsite where I could find them, but my brain just wasn't functioning I guess. At any rate, let's just say my ocean longings are all quiet for the time being.

Must tell you that the picture of the big, beautiful bridge I posted connects Georgia with South Carolina. There was another identical bridge in Savannah connecting it with it's neighbor city, Mount Pleasant, where we were camped. I thought both bridges were stunning. Hope you enjoyed my pictures. I've got lots more, and it sure takes a lot of time to decide which ones to post.

Love and hugs,
Ms Mishap

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